A suffix is a syllable that is added to the end of a root word to alter its meaning and often its part of speech. Know more about the Montessori lesson on this word study as you keep reading below 👇
Table of Contents
Word Study on Suffixes
- Set of printed cards with root words and examples of these words with suffixes
- Chart of root words and examples of these words with suffixes.
Save yourself some time and grab this ready-to-print and cut materials for this lesson HERE.
- Choose a card and read the root word. Use it in a sentence.
- Say, “We call this the root word. We can add a few letters to it.”
- Continue reading all the words on the card.
- Ask, “What do you notice about these words?”
- Explain, “These extra letters are called suffixes. Adding them to the end of the root word changes the meaning.”
- Discuss the meaning of each word and how it relates to the root word. Use each word in a sentence.
- Repeat with the other cards.
- Encourage the child to write sentences with these words.
- Introduce the chart of suffixes.

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